Primero Cigar Imports is driven by the passion for great quality cigars and craftsmanship. We acknowledge and understand the amount of work that goes into the making of a fine cigar. Primero is proud to offer exceptional customer service from our knowledgeable and helpful staff.
We are proudly catering to British Columbia, Alberta and the Yukon.
Our regional sales representatives bring our family-business values to your location.
Offering expert know-how regarding pricing, special offers, product information and more.
Specializing in Cuban cigars with 30+ brands to offer.
We’re a one stop shop, offering accessories, cigarettes, specialty tobacco and more.
Since opening in 1996, we began with ideals that are still in place today:
Providing exceptional customer service, product and industry knowledge.
The fastest and most reliable delivery times in the industry.
Working with retailers to find the right cigars and specialty tobacco to grow their business.
We carry 30+ brands of Cuban cigars, specialty cigarettes and a wide range of non Cuban premium and mass market cigars, pipe tobaccos and smoking accessories. Primero is a retailer’s one-stop shop thanks to our extensive product availability – it only takes one day to have your store stocked with all your specialty tobacco needs.
Contact us to speak with one of our specialists!